Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy Day

We have had a busy day. Bekah got stuck in the bed, then poor thing had to go to the doctor for her 6 month checkup. She weighs 19lbs 7 oz. She is 27 1/2 inches long. She had to get 3 shots, poor thing. When we got home she went right to sleep, couldn't resist taking a pic of how precious she is. Before we made it home I was putting the stroller in the car & I hear Reahgan, I jerked my tooth out. Now I did not even know that this tooth was loose, I asked her how she pulled it out, she said she was trying to get the game out of the game boy(with her teeth) and it just came out. Of course Reahgan has a fit because there is LOTS of blood. I got that taken care of and I asked her if she learned anything, she said yes do not try to take a game out when you have a loose tooth.

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